Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Terinspirasi dari judul lagunya Kanye West. Apapun yang terjadi dalam hidup, baik susah ataupun senang harus bisa bikin kita jadi semakin kuat...

Hihihi.. sepertinya udah melenceng nih dari materinya Wiena.., tapi gak papa deh buat catatan .. ntar kalo kakak Adel, Wiena dan Arjuna dan yang lain2 udah gedhe sepertinya perlu juga...

Budhe (ehm..ehm) juga bilang :

Dear my beloved husband, sister’s and brother’s
Everything that happens in this world, there is no absolute good or bad
Sometimes good things turned out to be bad thing eventually
While bad things become a gain.

Whatever good thing that happens to you, enjoy it,
But don’t have to hold too tight to it, treat it is surprise in your life.
Whatever bad thing that happens to you, don’t have to feel sad or despair,
In the end, it might not be a total bad thing after all.

If one can understand this, he or she will find life much easier.

tuh kan ... mirip-mirip sama yang dibilang Kanye West ;)

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